Østrig: TEYA & SALENA præsenterer “Who the Hell is Edgar”

Foto: ORF

Den østrigske TV-station ORF har i dag afsløret Teya & Salena’s bidrag, “Who the Hell is Edgar”, til Eurovision Song Contest i Liverpool.

Østrig sender i år sin første kvindelige duo nogensinde til Eurovision. 22-årige TEYA og 24-årige SALENA mødtes for 2 år siden i forbindelse med ORF’s castingen til showet Starmania 21. De har været venner lige siden showet og har delt den samme drøm om at optræde i verdens største musikkonkurrence.

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Nu er drømmen blevet til virkelighed og til maj deltager duoen i Eurovision Song Contest i Liverpool med sangen “Who the Hell is Edgar”, som de selv har skrevet.

TEYA begyndte at skrive sange som 17-årig og allerede året efter deltog hun i song writing camps rundt omkring i Europa, herunder Eurovision camps i Schweiz, Belgien og Sverige. I 2020 deltog hun i både den østrigske og den serbiske udvælgelse til Eurovision.

‘Already as a child, I wanted to go to the Eurovision Song Contest because it embodied the idea that even big dreams can come true, no matter who you are and where you come from. I can hardly wait to get on that stage! Only then the seven-year-old me will believe that all this is real.’


SALENA startede med at synge som 7-årig, lærte sig selv at spille guitar og optrådte ved forskellige events og fester. I 2017 kom hun til 3. runde af The Voice of Germany og i 2019 forsøgte hun sig for første gang i Østrigs nationale udvælgelse til Eurovision. Siden 2020 har hun været en del af radiostationen Ö3 og kan høres i adskillige reklamespots.

‘My biggest childhood dream is just becoming true. Back then I watched Conchita on stage and told my parents that this is exactly what I want – an enormous stage and people who feel the same way about music as I do. From there on, I worked even harder on myself and my singing. For me, the ESC stands for diversity and is a place for people with visions and dreams like the ones us two have. The moment we both stand on the stage, sing the first lines and realise that an audience of millions is watching is probably the moment I am most looking forward to – it’s when the dream becomes reality.’


Datoen for sangens offentliggørelse er ikke tilfældig. I dag er det nemlig kvindernes internationale kampdag.

This song is a snapshot of the fun we had on the day we wrote it. It started with wanting to convey what it feels like when a good song is made. Sometimes creativity rushes through you as if you‘re getting possessed by a ghost.’


But we also wanted to put our personal experiences as female songwriters into the song. It often feels like you have to prove yourself over and over again to be taken seriously. By presenting Edgar Allan Poe as the actual writer of the song, we want to draw attention to this frustrating part of the music business. It’s satire.’
