BBC præciserer betingelserne og processen for valget af værtsby 2023

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I forbindelse med valget af værtsby for Eurovision Song Contest 2023, som skal afholdes i Storbritannien, har BBC nu præciseret hvordan processen bliver og hvilke krav, der er for potentielle værtsbyer.

I BBC’s FAQ fremgår det, at valget træffes via en 2-trins proces og at potentielle kandidater må leve op til et sæt af minimumskrav i forhold til kapacitet, evne samt erfaring med at afholde et event af denne størrelse og kompleksitet.

Her henvises til sidste års krav, som omfattede et venue med plads til minimum 10.000 tilskuere samt pressecenter, inden for rækkevidde af en international lufthavn og med rigelige hotelovernatningsmuligheder.

Når BBC har modtaget ansøgningerne, vil de shortliste byer baseret på deres evne til at opfylde kravene, deres kapacitet og erfaring.

Værtsbyen vælges af BBC og EBU og man forventer at kunne afsløre Eurovision Song Contest 2023 værtsbyen i løbet af efteråret.

BBC har tidligere afholdt Eurovision Song Contest i London i 1960, 1963, 1968 og 1977, Edinburgh i 1972, Brighton i 1974, Harrogate i 1982 og Birmingham i 1998.

Læs også: EBU bekræfter: Eurovision Song Contest 2023 afholdes i UK

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Eurovision 2023 FAQ (04.08.2023)

How do you apply to be a Host City?

Any local authority interested in becoming a Host City can email

Does it cost to enter a bid?

There is no charge to enter a bid. It is up to Cities whether they incur costs to support their bid.

Who decides who will be the Host City?

The selection of the Host City for the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 will be determined by the BBC and the EBU.

How does the process work?

It is a two-stage process and to be considered, any potential candidates must meet a set of minimum standards that demonstrate they have the capacity, capability and experience to host an event of this scale and complexity.

What are the key requirements?

The final decision on selecting the Host City will be based on a city or region’s capacity and capability in meeting the BBC’s and the EBU’s requirements, as well as availability of resources and general experience in hosting a large and complex event such as the Eurovision Song Contest.
For example, last year the EBU’s Host City criteria was based on providing a venue able to accommodate at least 10,000 spectators (as well as a press centre), that should be within easy reach of an international airport and with ample hotel accommodation.

Will there be different rounds?

There will be two rounds. Once we have received applications, we will shortlist cities based on their ability to meet the requirements and their responses around capability and experience.

Will the government have a say on who hosts it?

We may consult with the UK government but the decision on who will be the Host City will be determined by the BBC and the EBU.

When will you announce the Host City?

We expect the process to be complete in Autumn and we will announce the successful Host City then.

Kilde: BBC den 4/8-2023.