UMK 2022: Hør de 7 sange i fuld længde – heriblandt The Rasmus’ “Jezebel”

The Rasmus - Jezobel - UMK 2022
Foto: Venla Shalin / YLE

UMK 2022 sangene er gennem de seneste dage blevet offentliggjort én efter én af den finske TV-station YLE. Syv artister dyster i finalen i Uuden Musiikin Lilpailu 2022 den 26. februar og én af de disse skal repræsentere Finland i det europæiske Melodi Grand Prix – Eurovision 2022 i Torino.

Du kan høre alle UMK sange 2022 nederst i artiklen.

I UMK 2022 deltager blandt andre det internationalt kendte rockband The Rasmus. The Rasmus’ store internationale gennembrud kom i 2003, da de udgav albummet Dead Letters, som indeholdt bl.a. singlen “In the Shadows”, der toppede hitlisterne verden over.

UMK sangen hedder “Jezebel”, og den er skrevet sammen med den amerikanske sangskriver og producer Desmond Child. Med UMK-deltagelsen præsenterer The Rasmus også deres nye guitarist Emppu.

Læs også: UMK 2022: The Rasmus blandt deltagerne i årets finske finale

UMK sange 2022

  • Bess  “Ram pam pam”
  • Cyan Kicks  “Hurricane”
  • Isaac Sene  “Kuuma jäbä”
  • Olivera  “Thank God I’m an Atheist”
  • The Rasmus  “Jezebel”
  • Tommi Läntinen  “Elämä kantaa mua”
  • Younghearted  “Sun numero”

TV-seerne og et UMK-panel afgør vinderen af UMK 2022

Et ekspertpanel med Tapio Hakanen, musikchef på YleX, har udvalgt de 7 finalister ud fra 312 bud. Vinderen findes i en kombineret afstemning med TV-seerne (75%) og et internationalt UMK-panel (25%).

BESS – Ram pam pam

“I want to put on the world’s best show at the UMK”

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Cyan Kicks – Hurricane

– We aren’t afraid to combine different elements to make our own, distinctive sound. One song might be completely electronic, while another will be seriously heavy, but, at the end of the day, it always sounds like Cyan Kicks

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The Rasmus – Jezebel

– Jezebel was a biblical troublemaker, who did things her own way and really shook things up. We wanted to introduce her to the modern-day world. The song is also a bit tongue-in-cheek, which is pretty unusual for The Rasmus

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Younghearted – Sun numero

– The song really shows the direction Younghearted is heading. Before, we had a more acoustic, smaller sound. Now, we’re going big right out of the gate

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Olivera – Thank God I’m an atheist

– Nobody knows what happens after we die. What if all the world’s biggest religions are actually right and life never ends? I can’t think of anything that causes more anxiety than the idea of eternal life

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Tommi Läntinen – “Elämä kantaa mua”

– Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and make that leap, simply having faith that it will all work out. In many cases it does, when you just let go of the past and surrender to the future,

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Isaac Sene – “Kuuma jäbä”

– You might blush a bit listening to this song, but we don’t want to just shock people for the sake of shocking

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