Eurovision 2022: Circus Mircus repræsenterer Georgien i Torino

Eurovision 2022 - Cirkus Mirkus repræsenterer Georgien i Torino

Circus Mircus har tidligere i dag offentliggjort, at de repræsenterer Georgien ved Eurovision Song Contest 2022. Gruppen er udvalgt internt af den georgiske tv-station GPB.

Circus Mircus er en gruppe etableret i Tiblisi af 3 lokale musikere, som er droppet ud af konservatoriet og hvis musik beskrives som ‘sonically unique’.

‘We weren’t good enough, probably the worst in the crew, that’s why we became friends

Circus Mircus

Grundstenen i projektet er filosofien om fuldstændig negligering af musikalske rammer. Du kan høre eksempler på Circus Mircus nederst i artiklen.

Se Circus Mircus’ meddelelse herunder:

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“Dear Earthlings,

This is a message from Circus Mircus.
We would like to inform you that according to the decision made by the Georgian Public Broadcaster, at the international song contest Eurovision, Georgia will be represented by Circus Mircus.

You ask, what is Circus Mircus?
It is a movement that brings together dozens of professionals from different fields to create an unprecedented audio-visual experience.
The cornerstone of their philosophy lies in the complete neglect of musical frameworks”

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