Den internationale presse reagerer: Vilde med Fyr og Flamme

Foto: Thomas Hanses

Efter Danmarks første prøve i Rotterdam Ahoy, bad vi nogle af vores internationale kollegaer i pressecentret om at dele deres reaktion på Fyr og Flamme’s optræden og give et gæt på, om Danmark kvalificerer sig til finalen.

Og lad os slå fast! Det er ikke kun i Good Evening Europe-lejren, at der er glæde og positivitet efter dagens prøver. Der er også masser af begejstrede ord fra den internationale presse, hvor langt størstedelen af de adspurgte spår en danske finaleplads.

Internationale reaktioner på Danmarks prøve

I absolutely loved the rehearsal. Jesper sounded great and was very charismatic – a true performer! The performance is full of fun, the people at home will love this and will definitely qualify to the final.

Sami, Finland

Oh My God It was very good! I honestly felt great when I was watching this! It was fun, catchy, I loved it! They ahem maybe a chance to qualify! Great job Denmark.

Alexia, Frankrig
Fyr og Flamme i Rotterdam – foto: Marcel Gbekle

I hope that Denmark will qualify. Funny song, well produced and the singers are so nice. At first, I didn’t like this song at all, but the second time I listened to it, I fell in love with it.
So, fingers crossed!

Patrizia, Italien

I loved it! Even though they didn’t change much, the performance runs smoothly. His vocals are way better than in the national final, 100% in tune. I loved how full of energy he is: watching him run so fast on the stage really gives you a rush!

Jacopo, Italien

For me it’s a very definite no final. To me it feels like ABBA, but then bad and tonedeaf.
I think they could have had a great song, the voices are there, this is just not it.

Vera, Holland
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Reaction from Matt / ESCUnited

I like danish and synth-wave. So for me it is top of fashion. And I am very big fan of danish music. TV2 is my favorite band. So I am very happy to hear danish on Eurovision again.

Anton, Rusland

It was a good rehearsal, very similar to the one in DMGP. After seing the rehearsal I think they may have the chance to qualify. So right now I would say final.

Endre, Norge

It’s the same concept as from Danish Melodi Grand Prix, but the quality level has risen significantly! The retro graphics on the LED backdrop fits the song perfectly. Funny enough, we have seen very similar graphics in quite a few of the other acts. But unlike those acts, here it actually fits the music!

Michael, Estonia

Borderline. I think it might just sneak in

Mo, UK
Den danske delegation i Rotterdam – Foto: Marcel Gbekle

My opinion on Denmark is that will not get into the final. (I like the song, I just have doubts that it will stand out to the public, just as the Portuguese song)

Bernado, Portugal

We in Norway love Fyr og Flamme, but the rest of Europe will probably not understand the contribution. Therefore, I unfortunately do not think it will qualify for the final

Alexander, Norge

I think that Denmark has a good chance to qualify.

Fabien, Frankrig

I really loved Denmark. The rehearsal was good. It’s a good position for the song. And I love it that they stay Danish. They will go through.

Torsten, Tyskland

I hope and think Denmark will make the final. Even if Fyr & Flamme are caught in a time-warp their song spreads joy. There are a lot of introspective songs this year, with dark scenography. Denmark give us a perfect end to semifinal 2.

Melodifestivalklubben, Sverige

Good Evening Europe &’s reaktionsvideo

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Liveblog fra dag 4 i Rotterdam