Armenien trækker sig fra Eurovision Song Contest 2021

Foto; Michael Thygesen

Den armenske tv-station AMPTV har annonceret, at de trækker sig fra årets Eurovision Song Contest, fordi det ikke er muligt for dem, at blive klar til deadline for indsendelse af sange den 15. marts.

“After careful and detailed discussions, the Public Television Company of Armenia has decided to withdraw from the Eurovision Song Contest 2021, considering the latest events, the shortness of production time as well as other objective reasons that make the proper participation of Armenia at ESC 2021 impossible.”


“The EBU (European Broadcasting Union) community is deeply sorry that AMPTV has decided to withdraw from participating in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. Armenia have a great record at the Eurovision Song Contest and always bring excitement and quality performances to the stage. We understand the reasons for their withdrawal and we will miss their hard working and professional delegation in Rotterdam. We very much hope to welcome Armenia back in 2022.”

Martin Österdahl, Executive Supervisor, Eurovision Song Contest

Armenien skulle have deltaget i semifinale 2, hvor også Danmark deltager. Så nu er antallet af lande i denne semifinale nede på 17.

40 sange deltager i Eurovision Song Contest 2021, som afholdes fra den 18. – 22. maj 2021 i Rotterdam.