Næste års Eurovision slogan afsløret: Open Up!


Sloganet for Eurovision Song Contest 2020 i Rotterdam er ‘Open Up’. Det afslørede Eurovision.tv her til aften.

‘Open Up’ er bevidst formuleret ufuldendt, så der kan sættes forskellige sammenhænge efter. Det forklarer Sietse Bakker fra EBU.

The slogan ‘Open Up’ is intentionally incomplete: Open up to each other. Open up to music. Open up to Rotterdam. Open up to… whatever you choose! Feel the freedom to complete the slogan in your own way. That way we get to know each other better“, siger han.

We have looked for a theme and slogan that reflect what the Netherlands stands for and which the Dutch can identify with“, forklarer Sietse og peger på Holland som et land med en åbent sind i forhold til omverdenen, hvor man siger sin mening med respekt for hinanden.

Et andet fokus var at vælge et snogen, som reflekterede tidens ånd.

People are concerned about increasing polarization and freedom isn’t as self-evident for everyone as it should be,” siger Sietse og tilføjer: “With the slogan ‘Open Up’, we warmly invite people to open up to others, to different opinions, each other’s stories and of course to each other’s music.”

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Jon Ola Sand mener også, at det nye slogan passer perfekt til Eurovision 2020, som er historiens 65. udgave af konkurrencen:

In 1956, only 7 countries could watch the competition and since then we have opened up to the whole of Europe, to Australia and now, via streaming, to the whole world. The values of the Eurovision Song Contest are universality and inclusivity, and our proud tradition of celebrating diversity through music. Now we can add a new one – that of openness”, forklarer han.

Den matchende grafik til Eurovion 2020 er pt under udvikling og forventes at blive afsløret senere på året.