Østrig: Sangerinden PAENDA og ‘Limits’ til Tel Aviv


Sangerinden PAENDA er netop afsløret som den østrigske tv-station ORF’s internt valgte artist til Tel Aviv. Hendes sang ‘Limits’ vil blive afsløret i løbende af de kommende uger.

“PAENDA is an outstandingly versatile artist and woman, who not only composed and wrote, but also produced the songs she sings. These are her own emotions, experiences and her soul that she expresses and with that, she will cast a spell over the audience.”

-Kathrin Zechner, programleder ORF

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PAENDA skrev sine første sange allerede som 14-årig, hvor hun også lærte at spille guitar og klaver. Senere flyttede hun til Wien for at studere jazz og har været en del af adskillige musikalske projekter, indtil hun i 2015 lancerede projektet PAENDA.

Som soloartist skriver hun ikke alene sine egne sange, men hun er også begyndt at producere egen musik.

“As a young girl in the school choir, I would not even have dared to dream about that.”

Hendes første singler ‘Waves’ og ‘Good Girl’ modtog en del opmærksomhed og debutalbummet EVOLUTION I blev meget positivt modtaget. Album nummer 2 ‘EVOLUTION II’ udgives 26. april i år.

“When I was watching the Eurovision Song Contest on ORF in the past few years, I knew that if the opportunity presented itself, I would very much like to become part of it and compete for Austria. Music becomes a universal language, boundaries dissolve and it is shown that love is colorful, diverse and cannot be classified in any drawer. The contest is a bridge builder that manages to unite different cultures and religions for a while. Now I’m allowed to sing for Austria and I am overwhelmed. It really means a lot to me to be part of this message to the world.”