Tel Aviv afsløret som værtsby for Eurovision Song Contest 2019


Efter den sidste uges vedholdende rygter, så blev næste års værtsby og show-datoer i dag afsløret. Tel Aviv skal, som rygtet forudsagde, være værtsby for Eurovision Song contest 2019. Beslutningen er truffet af Eurovision Song Contest Referencegruppen, efter at den officielle tv-station KAN var blevet bedt om at præsentere mindst 2 potentielle kandidater.

Israels andenstørste by Tel Aviv ligger ved Middelhavskysten og har mere end 400.000 indbyggere. Byen byder på store indkøbscentre, elegante og dyre forretninger, store luksushoteller, cafeer og restauranter, en flot strandpromenade og meget andet.

Showet vil blive afholdt i EXPO Tel Aviv (International Convention Center) hhv. den 14., 16. og 18. maj 2018.

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Jon Ola Sand, EBU’s Executive Supervisor, er begejstret over valget:
“We’d like to thank all the Israeli cities who bid to host the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, and KAN who conducted an expert and thorough assessment to help us make the final decision. All the bids were exemplary but in the end we decided that Tel Aviv provides the best overall setup for the world’s largest live music event. We are excited to bring the Contest to a brand new city and are looking forward to working together with KAN to make 2019’s Eurovision Song Contest the most spectacular one yet.”
Frank-Dieter Freiling, formand for Eurovision Song Contest Referencegruppen supplerer:
We are expecting to receive guarantees from the Prime Minister this week in regards to the security and freedom of movement of anyone coming to the event. These guarantees are imperative in order for us to move forward with the planning of the event to ensure the safety of visitors and upholding the Eurovision Song Contest values of diversity and inclusivity.”

Billetter sættes til salg i slutningen af året.