Interview with Elina Nechayeva: “I think Rasmussen’s Viking anthem is really cool”


Elina Nechayeva was born in 1991 and graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2016 where she studied classical singing. As a child, she dreamed of becoming an astronaut, flying between the stars and planets. It is this same drive that inspired La Forza.

On the Eurovision stage Elina will fly between the stars to spread her message that love heals and lifts us. The melody of La Forza was written especially for her voice and shining personality.

Elina Nechayeva wrote the lyrics of La Forza alongside fellow soprano Ksenia Kuchukova. The music was composed by Mihkel Mattisen, a classically trained pianist and pop singer and composer, and Timo Vendt, a producer and multi-instrumentalist. Both Mattisen and Vendt have written previous Estonian Eurovision entries. Mattisen co-wrote ‘Et Uus Saaks Alguse’ in 2013 while Vendt co-wrote ‘Amazing’ in 2014.

We had a talk with Elina Nechayeva before her departure to Lisbon.

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Interview with Elina Nechayeva

First of all, could you introduce us to your song? What is the message of ‘La Forza’?

La Forza is about real love that enlightens our way, gives us wings, takes us to the sky and gives us a real power so that we can even move mountains. It’s about universal love, love for children, love for parents, love for nature. It’s all these kinds of love.

It’s a very powerful song,how does the song make you feel, when you perform it on stage?

That’s an interesting question! When I am on stage and I’m singing this song, it’s like I am embracing the audience and I’m giving them all my love and positive emotions. It also feels like I’m flying. It’s an interesting feeling!

Why did you decide to sing in Italian? Do you have any relation to Italy? 

The Italian language is beautiful and melodic and it goes well with classical singing, I think that Italian is very poetic, so that’s why we chose it. I really love Italy and I’ve been there many times. I love the fashion, the food and the opera culture as it’s the home of opera! The whole country is so gorgeous and I think the language is so beautiful. I think as an opera singer, I can’t not feel a connection to Italy!

Your song is very technically challenging. Do you get nervous before performing it? 

Actually, it is kind of funny. Compared to my usual repertoire, La Forza is actually quite an easy song to sing!

I don’t really feel nerves when I perform, I feel excited and prepare myself to give the audience all the love I can!

You hosted Eesti Laul last year, how did you end up taking part in the contest this year?

I co-hosted the semi-finals of Eesti Laul last year and I had a thought in my head that maybe I would be able to bring something different to this contest ? but it wasn’t until Mihkel Mattisen and Timo Vendt who heard me sing at my best friend’s wedding that the idea was born.

Timo and Mihkel wrote the music for me and I wrote the lyrics with my friend Ksenia. We sent it to Eesti Laul not expecting much, but you know the rest!

You have received a lot of international attention and been among the bookmaker favorites since your victory, how have these past months been for you?

It has been very busy! I am not used to so much media attention which has been a little bit difficult, but it has been worth it for all the amazing messages of support I have received from Eurovision fans!

We have heard about the issues financing your dress projection performance. Did you come to a solution yet?

The whole team has been working very hard to try to come to a solution, but I am not sure of the final result right now. But I have confidence that whatever happens, I will give the best performance I can.

Besides the challenges regarding the show, how do you prepare for Eurovision and your 2 weeks in Lisbon?

I have been working and performing a lot and I recently got to take an opera master class in New York City from legendary opera coach Kamal Khan!

Right now I am in Florida trying to recharge my batteries before I head to Portugal!

Did you have time to hear any of the other competing songs? And do you have some favorites, that you would reveal?

Yes! So far, my favourites are from Georgia and Denmark. I love the voices of Iriao and think they sound beautiful and I think Rasmussen’s Viking anthem is really cool!

Could you tell us something about you, that most people don’t know?

Well I suppose it is not so much of a secret anymore, but I am a big fan of Japanese animations, especially those by Hayao Miyazaki!

Do you have a final message for the readers of Good Evening Europe? 

My message is that in our society we should talk more about real love and real feelings. We need to be here and now not in our smart phones but really here, connecting with each other and giving love. Love is the greatest power of all. This is what La Forza is all about and I hope you enjoy my song. Tusind tak!


italian (Original) English 
Sai nella notte per me
Una stella c’é
Lei mi rischiara la via
Per l’eternitá
É mia guida
Che non mi lascia mai’La forza del destino
Volteggiar mi fa
L’ora é vicina di felicitá
É sogno o realtá
Nostra affinita
Sull’ali dell’amore roseQuando m’en vo per la via
Sempre libera
Vorrei che intorno a noi sia una favola
Nostro amore
Guida a noi sará
Per l’eternitá
You know in the night for me
There is a star
It lights up my way
It is my guide
in the immensity
And will never leave meDestiny’s force
Makes me fly near
to the hour of happiness
Is it a dream or is it real
Our closeness
That rises us on the wings of loveWhen I walk the path of life
Always carefree
I would like it to be a fairy tale around us
Our love
Will be a guide to us
Always and forever

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