Melodifestivalen 2017 Jury vote


Velkommen til Good Evening Europe‘s  Melodifestivalen 2017 afstemning . Herunder finder du din stemmeseddel med de 12 finalebidrag. Afstemningen følger normal Eurovision procedure: Giv 12 points til din favorit, 10 points til din 2. plads og så videre. Tryk på “Cast Vote”, for at indsende dine stemmer.

Tak for din deltagelse! Del gerne med dine Eurovision-venner.

NB! Du kan kun stemme én gang: Hvis du kommer direkte til resultatsiden, er det fordi du allerede har deltaget i afstemningen.

Welcome to Good Evening Europe‘s Melfest 2017 Jury Vote. Below is your voting-ballot with all 12 participating entries.
The Voting follows normal Eurovision-procedure: award 12 points to your favorite, 10 points to second place and so forth. Press the “Cast vote”-button, when you’re done.

Thank you for your participation! Please share with your Eurovision-friends.

You can only vote once! If you are forwarded directly to the results page, you  have already voted.

[gee_vote id=5 img_header=”Picture” element_header=”Artist”]

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The results of the voting are not scientifically valid, and are determined by the random group of people, who visits the website and participate in the poll. GEE doesn’t ask for your mail-adress, when voting. Research shows that only 1 out of 10 will participate, if they have to confirm their votes via mail.