Irland: Westlife-Nicky synger “Sunlight” i Stockholm


Som vi skrev i sidste uge, så var den tidligere Westlife-sanger Nicky Byrne ifølge rygterne Irlands internt valgte repræsentant til Eurovision Song Contest 2016 i Stockholm.

Idag blev rygtet bekræftet. 37-årige Nicky, som har optrådt i adskillige arenaer i hele verden og solgt mere end 45 millioner albums som en del af Westlife, skal synge “Sunlight”, som han selv har skrevet sammen med Wayne Hector og Ronan Hardiman. Irland dropper således i år den sædvanlige mentorbaserede Eurosong-finale.

Læs også: Rygte: Tidligere Westlife-sanger skal repæsentere Irland?

Wayne Hector har skrevet hits til adskillige store internationale artister, herunder One Direction, Britney Spears, Nikki Minaj og Jason Derulo. Han har desuden tidligere været involveret i 7 af Westlifes nummer 1-hits, blandt andre “Flying Without Wings”, “Swear It Again” og “World Of Our Own”.

Ronan Hardiman har arbejdet som musiker, komponist og producer siden 1990 og han har bl.a. stået for musikken til Michael Flatley’s “Lord of the Dance” soundtrack, “Feet of Flames” samt tv-serien Neverland.

Sangen er produceret i Irland af Ronan Hardiman og Nicky byrne, og mixet i LA af Serban Ghenea, som har mixet ikke mindre end 140 nummer 1 singler, herunder Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” og “Uptown Funk” fra Mark Ronson og Bruno Mars.

“Like many of us, I have grown up watching The Eurovision Song Contest. It always brought great excitement to our house down through the years and I was lucky enough to see Ireland win it on many occasions. I have a great memory as a nine year old, of dancing around our sitting room in a tri-colour sweatshirt when Johnny Logan lifted the trophy in 1987.The Eurovision is a TV show and song contest like no other and for the past three years my Eurovision experience has gotten better and my affiliation grown stronger, as I have proudly delivered the Irish votes live from Dublin. This year I go one step further, and actually walk on that stage to represent my country, I am honoured RTÉ have chosen me and believe in this song like I do”.

“The song is called Sunlight and I co-wrote it with two of the music industry’s legends; producer and writer Ronan Hardiman and songwriter Wayne Hector. I have always felt this song had something different, something special. I also look forward to re-visiting Sweden, a country where we had so much success with Westlife over the years and I can’t wait to be a part of what I’m sure will be an amazing show in Stockholm. Ireland, I will give it my best shot. Sweden… here we come!”, udtaler Nicky.

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