Interview with Elnur from Azerbaijan: “My life was always a search, I wanted to try everything”


Good Evening Europe talked to Elnur, this year’s Azerbaijani representative.

Good Evening Europe
: First of all congratulations on being selected as Azerbaijan’s representative in Eurovision Song Contest 2015 – What does it mean to you to represent your country again

Elnur: – It’s a great chance for me to be a part of world’s biggest music event one more time, to re-introduce myself in Eurovision family and to show off as solo artist. But the most important thing for me as a musician is to share my song and my emotions with audience, to reach everyone’s heart.


Good Evening Europe: Your song is called “Hour of the Wolf”,  can you tell us more about the song and what the message is?

Elnur: – My song is about every person’s struggle for better life, for happiness, for future. This is the fight and the search at the same time, its all about our mistakes and our victories in life. People need to rise above all the cruelties in the world and to find peace. We need to fight no matter what, to give a chance to each other cause ‘every heart deserves a fight’.


Good Evening Europe: What made you decide to come back to Eurovision 7 years after your debut?

Elnur: – I was very surprised when I’ve got an invitation from the Azerbaijani national broadcaster. It was internal selection and they’ve decided that it’s going to be me. Of course, I’ve said yes. This is my second chance and I would be a fool to waste it. As I’ve said before it’s an opportunity to represent myself and my country one more time.


Good Evening Europe: Your 2008 song “Day by day” with Samir was uptempo and more show-influenzed with the angel vs. devil theme, whereas “Hour of the Wolf” is an emotional ballad. Is your 2015 entry more reflective of you?

Elnur: – I think its better suits me now, it speaks thought my heart and my soul, I really feel this song but 7 years ago it was another story, another song.


Good Evening Europe: “Hour of the Wolf” is written by a Swedish team. Do you like Swedish music in general?

Elnur: – In general I like Swedish music, it’s fresh and it’s vibrant.


Good Evening Europe: The last time you participated, you gave Azerbaijan the very first Top 10 result. Which kind of result would make you satisfied this year?

Elnur: – For me Eurovision is not about winning or place in top 10, it’s about participation and sharing my music with this audience. The greatest result for me is to find some special spot in your hearts.


Good Evening Europe: Can you reveal a little bit about your stage performance in Vienna?

Elnur: – I will keep it a secret for now. We are working hard and I don’t want to spoil everything with words. You need to wait a bit and watch it on stage.



Good Evening Europe: You’ve already had one victory this year, when you were named winner of the “Voice of Turkey 2015”. Do you feel that you can benefit from your experiences on the Voice, in your preparations for Vienna?

Elnur: – Every competition is an experience even if you lose one. Of course, I’ve made some notes for myself and I’m going to use them.


Good Evening Europe: You have (among other) a degree in dentistry from the medical school, when did you know that you wanted to be a musician?

Elnur: – Since childhood actually. But my life was always a search, I wanted to try everything so I’ve choose a specialty very distant from music. It is nice, it is great experience and it helped me to find my true calling.


Good Evening Europe: Are you working on any new projects besides Eurovision?

Elnur: – Right now I’m all about Eurovision’s preparations. I don’t know how anyone can find a time to do something else just weeks before the main event. But after Eurovision I will be working on my album.


Good Evening Europe: Are you a Eurovision-fan and could you reveal a couple of your favorite entries from the history of the contest?

Elnur: – To be honest I’m not a Eurovision fan but I love the Contest. I like some exceptional performances on Eurovision stage such as Patricia Kaas in 2009.


Good Evening Europe: Do you have a special message for your fans and the readers of (Denmark)?

Elnur: – I hope you like my song and you find some special meaning in it just for you. Have a great Eurovision journey! I’m very grateful for you interest in me and all your support! Stay tuned and join me on stage!


Good Evening Europe: Thank you very much for taking the time answering our questions and good luck in Vienna!

Elnur: – Thank you!


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