Good Evening Europe’s Jury vote 2015


Velkommen til Good Evening Europe‘s  Jury afstemning 2015. Herunder finder du din stemmeseddel med alle 40 deltagende lande. Afstemningen følger normal Eurovision procedure: Giv 12 points til din favorit, 10 points til din 2. plads og så videre. Tryk på “Cast Vote”, for at indsende dine stemmer.

Under resultater: Klik på landets navn, for at læse artikler om dette land.

Undlad venligst at stemme på dit eget land

Tak for din deltagelse!
Del gerne med dine Eurovision-venner.

NB! Hvis du får en fejlmeddelelse, er det fordi du allerede har afgivet din stemme.


Welcome to Good Evening Europe‘s Eurovision Song Contest 2015 Jury Vote. Below is your voting-ballot with all 40 participating countries.
The Voting follows normal Eurovision-procedure: award 12 points to your favourite, 10 points to second place and so forth. Press the “Cast vote”-button, when you’re done.

At the results page: Click country name to read articles from this country.

Please don’t vote for your own country

Thank you for your participation.
Please share with your Eurovision-friends.

If you get an error message, you  have already voted once!

[gee_vote id=2]

Ipad- eller mobilbrugere, kan du opleve småfejl mht. flagenes placering. Det har imidlertid ingen indflydelse på resultatet eller indsamlingen af stemmerne. // Ipad- or mobile users might experience minor issues with flags being switched. This does not influence the result or the collection of the votes. 

The results of the voting are not scientifically valid, and are determined by the random group of people, who visits the website and participate in the poll. GEE doesn’t ask for your mail-adress, when voting. Research shows that only 1 out of 10 will participate, if they have to confirm their votes via mail. Also GEE doesn’t track your IP, when voting. It is possible to block IPs after voting once, but that would exclude people who are using a computer at big firms, libraries etc.