Amber præsenterer musikvideo og ny version af “Worrior”


“Working on the music video is definitely an unforgettable experience. The song is the star in the music video. The mystery and darkness represented in the environment are defeated by the will and the strength of the “Warrior” living inside me”, Amber

Idag kl. 16.00 afslørede PBS musikvideoen til Ambers “Worrior” – og med den også en ny version af bidraget. Sangen “Worrior” handler om at takle de udfordringer, som vi møder i livet. Dette tema understøttes på en effektiv måde i videon, hvor den dystre, negative stemning vendes til en positiv attitude. Videoen viser Amber, der gennemlever sine minder og til slut triumferer efter at have tacklet sine problemer som en ægte “Worrior”.


Læs også: Interview: Malta’s Amber talks about “Worrior” and preparations for Vienna


We Suffer, silently
always fighting to break free

We were living in a show
we were too scared to let go
Wouldn’t accept defeat
when by losing we were winning
we have to be courageous
to be able to get through this
and then it hits.

Break through the silence
The noise is louder than it’s ever been.
Create something timeless
Never look back, the past is the past
I had no choice but to become a warrior
I had to conquer
I did not break, I left my faith in hope.

We are not the enemy,
We’re just tired of suffering.

We broke through the shadow
We finally let go
and then it hit

Break through the silence
The noise is louder than it’s ever been.
Create something timeless
Never look back, the past is the past
I had no choice but to become a warrior
I had to conquer
I did not break, I left my faith in hope.

I’m a warrior, I will conquer
I’m a warrior, I will conquer
I’m a warrior, I will conquer
I’m a warrior, I will conquer
I’m a Warrior.