RAI bekræfter: Il Volo synger “Grande Amore” i Wien


Efter at Il Volo lørdag (tidligt søndag morgen) vandt San Remo festivalen 2015, har der blandt fansene været meget snak – og bekymring – om sangvalget. Ville Il Volo synge deres populære vindersang “Grande Amore” eller måske vælge en helt anden sang til ESC?

Kort før middag idag kom bekræftelsen fra RAI. Il Volo vil synge “Grande Amore” i Wien.



Du kan se musikvideoen til “Grande Amore” herunder:


  1. Det er en fantastisk nyhed. Personligt er det min vindersang – uden at have hørt samtlige sange, så kan de simpelthen ikke være bedre end denne. Tak for den gode nyhed.

  2. Due to the German Gema I cannot see the video here anymore but I know the song and follow Il Volo since their beginning in 2011. They are phantastic singers, well educated, friendly and normal young men who have managed not only to catch my heart but also my respect for the way they love their singing and bringing pleasure to people of all ages. They love not only singing, but also their families, their country and their large fan family all over the world. Italy was the last country they conquered! I am glad they managed! If they win the Eurovision contest, another jump is due for sure. If they should not win, they world still turns around – for them and for their fans. I am sure they would take it with grace! I love Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero! Good luck to them!

  3. IL VOLO’s “Grande Amore”!! There is no song more beautiful…no singers more exquisite!

  4. Thank you for the good news. It is a wonderful sog beautifully performed. I cannot see anyone topping this incredible performance

  5. Thrilling news! The best song,, sung by the best, most powerful,gorgeous voices. Nothing could be better

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