Efter DMGP: Eksklusivt interview med Natascha Bessez


I en ny artikelserie følger vi op på Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2014 og giver dig bl.a. svar på, hvad årets deltagere laver i øjeblikket og hvor du kan møde dem fremover.
Så hvis du – ligesom os – slet ikke har fået nok af de 10 fantastiske artister, så følg med her på www.good-evening-europe.dk i de kommende uger.

Vi tager her en snak med den smukke, amerikanske sangerinde Natascha Bessez, som sammen med Michael Rune sang “Wanna be loved”.

  • Natascha Bessez er født d. 20. december 1986 i USA
  • Er datter af en fransk far og en chilensk mor
  • Har gået på LaGuardia High School for Music, Art, and the Performing Arts på Manhattan
  • Sluttede i Top 15 i Miss Teen USA 2005
  • Kan spille på både saxofon og piano
  • Var blandt de sidste 20 kandidater i “The Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll”.
  • Har en rolle i “Sex & the City”-filmen
  • Har bl.a. hittet med singlen “Heal” fra 2012


1. First of all Congratulations on the great result in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2014. – How would you describe the experience of being a contestant – from submitting your entry to being selected as one of Top 3 entries?

 – Thank you!! Its all a bit surreal for me actually. I have never participated in something on this level ever before and from watching it on TV every year, it has become a dream of mine, so even to have competed as one of the 10 is a huge honor.

 – After Michael and I were called as the top 3, thats when I knew I couldn’t let him down. Michael is one of the most talented musicians I have ever had the honor of working with, and being on stage with him truly made the experience that much more magical. The energy and confidence he gave me just made me want to give my 1000% back and make it the best show I could. So when we sang the second time, I really felt it in every part of me. It was the best feeling ever coming off stage together- we knew we nailed it and we had no regrets- we did our best. We just ‘wanna be loved’.


Since you performed so well, would you consider participating again? Why not?!

 – I would love that! It was such a blast, I wanted to do it over and over again!


2. What made you want to represent Denmark in Eurovision Song Contest?

 – Denmark and the Danish people have had such an impact in my life over the past few years. I have been working with Deekay Music Productions in Los Angeles, which have a team of the most talented songwriters and producers I’ve ever known- who are all of course Danish, and my work with them has allowed me to write and sing like I never thought possible. I have grown so much as an artist, and it has been all because of them.

 – Also, I had a relationship with a Danish man in NY that really opened my eyes to the amazing culture and food the country has to offer. Because of these amazing people in my life, I felt that I had to make them proud and do the best I could to represent them the way they deserved. I really believed in the song, and thought it would do amazing at the Eurovision Song Contest.


3. You live in New York – how did you meet Michael Rune and eventually end up participating in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix? 

 – I heard the ‘Wanna Be Loved’ demo over the summer and completely fell in love with the song! I begged writer Lars Halvor Jensen to record it while I was in LA, but we didn’t have enough time because I had to get back to NY for a show. Then a few months later I get a call from Lars telling me that Michael Rune had chosen the song and it was officially one of the 10 finals for the DMGP and asked whether I would be interested in singing on it- I literally screamed out loud and got on the next plane to LA to record the final version. I felt like it was all meant to be!

 – Michael and I actually met the first time I got to Copenhagen for rehearsals. I spent 5 days there with my mother, and it was our very time in Denmark. Michael and I totally hit it off and had instant musical chemistry. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life! He is hysterical and we didn’t stop laughing the entire time!


4. Do you have an all-time-favorite from Eurovision Song Contest?

 – I have been watching Eurovision since I was a little girl… but I have to say, that the one song that I never get sick of, and sing on the top of my lungs every time I hear it, is Loreens ‘Euphoria’.


5. And the final question: What are you working on right now? 

 – I miss Denmark already- so I will definitely be returning this spring for performances and will hopefully be spending a lot of time in Europe this summer as well touring. Make sure to look out for Michael Rune and I at your hottest nightclub! We’ll be doing as many shows as we can, and we hope to collaborate on more songs together in the near future as well.

 – I also just released a song with NY-based DJ, Chachi, on our first collaboration together called “Heart Is A Warrior”- which is my first co-writing project with Lars Halvor Jensen. It just made its debut on the Billboard Top 40 Chart and reached #1 on the Breakout Hot Dance Chart*. You can find my songs on ITunes too! I’m looking to release new singles in the near future, so make sure to stay connected. To follow me on my journey, you can follow my social media outlets on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram- at everything .com.


* Interviewet blev lavet ultimo marts. Se videoen til “Heart is A Warrior” nederst i artiklen.

Vi siger tusind tak til Natascha Bessez for deltagelsen og ønsker hende held og lykke fremover.


Følg Natascha Bessez:



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