Results of GEE Prechart-Voting 2011


Since we launched the new website, v.2.0, GEEs visitors have been able to participate in a big Prechart voting-Poll.

In our special designed voting-ballot with all 43 participating countries, the voting followed normal Eurovision-procedure and we asked our visitors to award 12 points to their favourite song, 10 points to second place and so forth.

Today at 12:00 CET, the poll closed, and here are the results.

People from 42 out of 43 Eurovision Countries participated along with 73 people from “other” countries (Non-Eurovision).

According to GEEs visitors, the winner will be Amaury Vassili from France, who won a landslide victory and received 700 points more than it’s closest contestant Spain and 64 % of his total points are “12 points”
In Top 5, we also have runner-up Lucía Pérez from Spain, A Friend In London from Denmark (Yay!) and Eric Saade from Sweden.

The countries marked with grey didn’t make it to the Final, including the Top 5 favourite from Norway,