Oslo live – Slovenien



The Slovenian entry comes from Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari and the song is called Narodnozabavni rock. The band brings a flavour of folk music from the Upper Carniola region mixed with rock. The stage is dark for this number with white forward pointing spotlights. All six members of the bad stand in a line on the stage, after starting off in two separate groups. Four people play instruments and two take care of the lead vocals only.
The performance has no gimmicks to it and the band delivers an energetic and faultless vocal performance.

The set is very dark at the start, lots of flashing white lights appear and then red lights get incorporated into the look., Vocally, it was fine, again there are camera shot issues as it looks a bit messy visually.
Its strange watching this rehearsal as everyone is in casual clothes so it’s difficult to seperate the folk people from the rock people.
Overall, good rehearsal vocally, needs improving visually

Exactly as it was before, noise with no discernable tune. On the OGAE voting there are five people who think this is qualifying. I suspect they may all be Slovenians. This is a serious contender for “nil points”.

Then after the dark horse left the stage we found something on the stage that was the Slovenian song. I truly hate the concept of this combining rock with alpine folk. Vocally it was really good but it cannot alter how I feel about the song. I would be extremely shocked to see this anywhere near the top 10 as I dont think most of Europe will get it.

The Slovenian team are proudly presenting their song entry on stage. They are all wearing funky rock outfits in red, white and black colors. They are enjoying their performance and it is indeed a good team work. Back they have supporters with various instruments. It is a bit folkloric but the rock elements make it a nice song. Though too weak to impress as much as a top five in the scoreboard. Most likely not in the final.

Another Netherlands’ entry. Nothing to say, not Eurostyle, no need for good vocals, no choreography that makes you wanna pay attention. I think they are a bit bored performing and they just jump here and there just to make noise but cannot see the reason why. Anyway, this is not bad it’s just indifferent.