Oslo live – Bulgarien


Video: Bulgariens første prøve (dag 4)


The Bulgarian entry is called Angel si ti – You are an angel and is sang by Miro. The back of the stage is dark with some white fabrics suspended at the back. They get pulled away when the song goes up-tempo and we have lights on light blue and orange. Miro has four dancers with him, two male and two female. Two of the dancers sport huge see-through fabric angel wings in the beginning and again at the end. Miro will wear a grey biker jacket with embroidered angel wings on the back. There is a well rehearsed and tight dance routine to the song. Half of the song is now sung in English and half in Bulgarian.

Miro has a very powerful voice and clears the song with no difficulty at all and all alone with no backing vocals. The Bulgarians bring a very professional looking number to the Eurovision stage

Next up was Miro from Bulgaria and we have more wings in the contest. His backing dancers wear
all white along with the wings. Good vocals and choreography made this a good rehearsal.
He sings some of it in English though not sure if he will do this in the show.

The only country to use 100% white in the costumes and lighting (although for the last minute the stage does go to gold). The complicated routine is slick, Miro is vocally strong. I have mixed feelings on moving one verse and chorus to English. It does connect with a widerr audience, but it passes so quickly it barely registers. There’s nothing wrong with this, but I’m not sure it creates enough of an impression to get a lot of votes. “Close but no cigar” I think.

Some Eurovisions have a theme, drums, violins, etc. This year it seems to be ‘wings’!
Bulgaria is next up. The set has a silver /white look, with white draping fabric on stage
Miro is joined by 4 dancers, 2 male and also 2 female wearing wings!
The song starts with Miro being surrounded by the female dancers enveloped in their wings. Stage changes from silver to gold, and Miro now sings the second half of the song in English , apart from the very end when he reverts to Bulgarian.
His outfit looks like it will be a white suit with silver on the shoulders.
I’m not sure how effective the language change is , the vocals were fine, apart from the start of one performance when Mira started coughing as he was enveloped in dry ice!!

White props, silver feathered angels and dancing is what Miro gives us on stage. Although Miro is giving a very good vocal performance and attempts to dance it seems that either he is too static compared to his team behind or he is saving something for later on. Not bad performance and the camera work could have been better. At some point it seems that he saving his voice.

The song begins with the best omens, I agree with Fotis on the voice and stage presentation but the song after the refrain goes nowhere. It remains in the same level. I expected more excitement and it seems that hearing it now on the Telenor Arena stage, shows that half of the song is getting me in a monotonous routine. After 1.00 minute of the song I am bored…