Oslo live – Israel


Video: Israels første prøve (dag 3)



“For this number the stage is back to a dark background, with forward pointing white spotlights and blue lighting. Harel is standing in the middle, a grand piano is placed on the right hand side and the pianist is also doing backing vocals, and the two additional male backing singers are on the right of Harel.
In these first run-throughs Harel had some problems with some of the big notes of this very strong ballad, but there is no reason to expect him getting it right by Thursday next week as he has already improved today.”


“There is some split screen shots here with Harel and the pianist which looks good. The first couple of performances were actually a bit disappointing as Harel seemed to be struggling at the bridge of the song.”
However , he pulled it around and it definitely improved. It still was not as powerful as I expected it to be, but he could be just holding back. I’ll be interested to see how this is in his second rehearsal.

“This is basically the same performance as in the Israeli selection but on a bigger stage and even more spectacular ligh show. Harel is centre stage and framed at a distance by a pianist and two backing singers. I wanted this to be a lot better. Harel is struggling with the “ho-ho” bridge and keeps his eyes closed for far too many of the close up, making it too intense and not emngaging with the audience. I can see this being Top 5 with juries, but I’m not sure televoters are going to get such a detatched performance. It SHOULD qualify but I’m not certain until I see how the other ballads later in the draw are coming across.”

“Harel is really a small guy and has the potential to get lost on the big stage.
But with the voice that he has there is simply no chance of that.
Possibly the best male voice of the contest this will surely harvest votes among the juries and potentially from a good number of the public ones too.
Whether it could win has still to be seen.”


“One of the hot favorites in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest according to the bookies although fan voting and Europrediction still have Israel lower than 5th position. Harel gives his first stage presentation. The stage is full of purple lights and Harel is dressed in casual suit. He is accompanied by a piano and a piano player. The vocal performance is outstanding while the ballad is one of the best this year. Camera work is focusing on the face a lot while the festivalic sentiment is spread all over the venue.”

“I guess I am of the few who think that this song will just rank high like Israel 2005. A very good vocal performance, very sentimental music and tune but too much after hearing half of the song. It will go to the final for sure. Please get over the ring from the hand!”