Oslo live – Moldova


Video: Moldovas første prøve (dag 1)


Herunder samles op på reaktionerne fra de forskellige Eurovision-sites, der har folk i Oslo. (udpluk)


“Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira will represent Moldova and have the honour of opening the show and the fist live Eurovision Song Contest show of the year live from Oslo, Norway. They take to the centre of the stage, with two male dancers. They remain central on the set, with the dancers taking their places to the side of the main vocal group. The set uses green coloured displays around the stage.

Olia Tira has her blonde offset bob, and looks a little like last year’s Spanish entrant, Soraya. The performance opens on the violin, being played behind the lead singers. With some simple swaying choreography, the performance seems tight. Olia will be wearing a silver fitted bodysuit with corset style look when she performs in the show.”

Allkindsofeverything.ie (Irland)


“Moldova however brightened the atmosphere with a cheery and energetc opening rehearsal”, “…the vocals are good and it’s certainly a strong show opener. If I have any reservations, it’s that for all the clever camera work and dancing, it lack a bit of impact. The lack of LCD screen means that the stage is rather flat and it could do with the odd strategically placed pyro effect (that’s fireworks to you and me). Nevertheless I think that this is qualifying.”


“Vocally, it was better that I expected, Olia’s vocals were fine on the screen, not fabulous but it is 9.30 in the morning but some in the arena said she sounded horrendous. The wide stage shots looked impressive, pulsating green lights, a combination of wide screen shots and stage close ups. dancers definitely look like they have legs made out of rubber! …. Overall, a good start to the day. I thought that this would be pretty poor but it was better than I thought. It will be a good start to semi 1 ”


“I was keen to see how this would sound and look as I really like this song. I had worries that it could prove to be a bit of a car wreck on stage but in fact its not too busy with the choreography. It works well and sounds good too. There was a few early run throughs where the male lead vocal was not so clear but this got better later. Generally a good first rehearsal”


Kilde: Eurovision.tv -Se flere billeder fra Moldovas første prøve her.